Hi Weshy Wanderers,
So I am not entirely sure where to begin if I am being honest.. my last blog post on this platform was the 31st March 2016 and I am now writing this entirely new and confused post at 2am on the 7th November 2018. As you can see it has been over 2 years since I last wrote or posted anything on this blog and for the life of me I can't think why I left it this long when I love writing, expressing emotions and sharing my content with whoever comes across this blog. I guess you could say life got in the way and things were thrown to the wayside..
I guess I should give a recap of what I've been up to since March 2016 :)
March - July 2016
I completed my classes and found myself becoming single hence why the last video on my YouTube channel is of my Valentine's Day in 2016.. I continued to film content for my channel but never got round to editing or uploading it as I had lost that passion within me that I had held for so long when it came to uploading content on my channel and honestly that saddens me. The good news is I have filmed around 6-7 new videos for my channel that will be edited and uploaded over the upcoming 6 months so keep an eye out for those! The videos all surround travelling and the destinations that I visited over two years.
July 2016
I graduated from my Media and Communication course at Glasgow Caledonian University where I received an Upper Second class degree and celebrated with my friends and family what felt like the end of an era after four wonderful years.
September 2016 - March 2017
I decided to work full time at the job I was already working at, waitressing at Rogano in Glasgow, and by doing so managed to save a substantial amount of money before quitting and moving back home to Belgium.
March - September 2017
I moved back home to Brussels, Belgium and reconnected with old school friends and new acquaintances :) I also went travelling for 6 weeks all around America and visited 19 different States! I documented this voyage throughout my social media such as Snapchat and Instagram. I also visited Strasbourg (France), Milan (Italy), Berlin (Germany), Barcelona (Spain) and Norrköping (Sweden) and absolutely loved visiting all these completely unique and different landscapes that all have diverse things to offer!
September 2017 - September 2018
I once again moved away from home, but this time back to Glasgow (Scotland) where I began my Postgraduate Master's degree; an MLitt in Film & Television Studies. It was a very intense year with a lot of new material to uncover and research but I greatly enjoyed it and made many new and interesting friends who all invigorated a passion in me to further my research and education in so many diverse fields I had never even heard of!
September 2018
I wrote and submitted my dissertation which was 15,000 words long and critically analysed the MeToo movement as well as the Time's Up campaign and the influences these movements had had on American film throughout the past year which was truly eye opening and sparked such a debate throughout social media. It is so interesting and important to see the direction is has taken in the present tense and will continue to hopefully take throughout the coming years.
November 2018 (Now)
I now find myself having completed two degrees, waiting to graduate, and entering the unknown world of 'job hunting'.. I'll be honest and state that I have spent the past two months applying for jobs and trying to make sense of what it is I am looking to gain from this life but at the moment I find myself a little lost in the sea of internships, entry level jobs, graduate opportunities and so on.. I guess that's why I'm sitting here at 2.20am having written this post, reminiscing past memories whilst my cat (Chipie) eats her biscuits next to me and my brother prepares a 'midnight' snack in the kitchen. Who knows where this journey will lead but the silver lining here is that I have found the little spark of imagination and passion that brewed within me and decided to press refresh on my blog and YouTube channel in order to move forward with this next phase in my life. Care to follow along with me? Let's do it :)
I do hope these ramblings made sense but nevertheless, I certainly feel a little lighter having written this post and having shared the past two years of my life. Enjoy all the little moments!
Sarah xx
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My tired face a few weeks ago (just an update as to what I look like now :p) |